Your BFF

She’s been with you since the day you were born.

She’s your BFF with exceptional integrity. Extreme loyalty. She grows in wisdom every day. She is true to her own north star. Her gifts and talents are extraordinary. She is an exuberant, walking billboard for Shakespeare’s “to thine own self be true” quote.

3435290078_1bf3836cd3_sDespite her unending loyalty, love and support, you work desperately to shrug her off. You turn your back on her. At times you even lace up your running shoes and go all Flo Jo (talk about extraordinarily exceptional – RIP sweet beauty) on the very woman who is absolutely your perfectly-perfect, steadfast, best friend.

So who is this amazing friend you unabashedly ignore?

Your gut.

She is at your very core.

Listen to her.

She is rooted in deep knowledge and insights.  She is a living history of all that is imagineably possible for you.

She is wise. She is good.

When you become overwhelmed, frightened or lose your way, she’ll gently point you to your north star that at this very moment is illuminating your big dream and the work that makes a difference.

It’s time to introspectively examine the one friend who never abandons you, even on the darkest days. Your life-long friend who patiently waits and is always on call, just for you.

Give those Flo Jo moves of yours a rest and give your gut a chance – she’s betting on you!


photo credit: Front View via photopin (license)

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kendell
    Feb 11, 2015 @ 09:39:34

    This is the lesson that the kids Karate Instructor taught as well (when they were younger). What causes us to start not trusting our guts? Waning self confidence? I’ve shared this to my daughters. Thank you Linda! xoxo



  2. bmcclain2000
    Feb 11, 2015 @ 20:22:50

    I am thoroughly enjoying every one of your blog posts…I look forward to reading them each night like having a treat 🙂 Thanks for being perfectly perfect YOU!!!



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