
Words of wisdom from women who are making a difference in the world:

Build your ark before the storm hits.Sophfronia Scott, Author

The harshness with which we judge others is the harshness with which we judge ourselves. – Mara Schiavocampo, MSNBC and NBC News Anchor

Stretch into the feeling of not knowing and trust that it’s going to be awesome!Terri Cole, Psychotherapist, Strategist, Coach

Be a priority in your own life. – Dr. Bernadette Anderson

Your dream may be bigger and have more legs to it than you even know. – Debbie Phillips, Founder Women on Fire

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Debbie
    Apr 25, 2015 @ 05:28:04

    Awesome!!! :-)))

    As were You yesterday!! Thank you, darling Linda.

    (Excited to hear how your experiment is going at the retreat:-)

    Have fun today!! Love, Debbie

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. Gary Hollander
    Apr 25, 2015 @ 06:56:18

    I love the importance of the article in American English:
    “Be a priority in your own life.” – Dr. Bernadette Anderson. This is so different from ‘be THE priority.’ I am sometimes struck when I come across so-called reality TV shows how these two perspectives are confused.

    Thanks, Linda.



  3. Mary Lou Peters
    Apr 27, 2015 @ 08:00:29

    You are so full of wisdom–thank you for passing along these gems! And many thanks for the Seth Godin book. It IS my turn! 🙂



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