Back-up Plan

Meet Katie Mattie, author, speaker, filmmaker and blogger who is this blog’s first guest blogger – what an honor Katie – thank you!

Katie is one of the country’s important voices who works diligently to be the change she wants for the world. If you haven’t watched Katie’s TEDx talk from earlier this year it is an absolute must.

11202618_10153283970477082_8782138653829808836_nBack-up Plan by Katie Mattie

Sometimes you have a perfectly perfect plan of where you’re going in life. Sometimes you have a big dream, and every day you work toward making that dream a reality.

Sometimes your big dream comes true instantly.

And sometimes you have to dig into your back-up plan. Sometimes you have to dig into back-up plans B, C, D, E-Z to make the big dream come alive.

Wherever you are on your journey, your dream is still waiting for you. Your job is to figure out how many back-up plans you’ll have to use to get there.

So…are you brave enough to get to plan Z?

6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mary Lou Peters
    May 01, 2015 @ 06:40:47

    So good to hear from Katie Mattie. We often stop when Plan A doesn’t work. Think of all the world misses out on because we stop before the miracle! Thank you Katie and Linda!



  2. passionistaatlarge
    May 01, 2015 @ 06:58:56

    Such words of wisdom from someone who hasn’t even lived very long! Love you girlie!!



  3. Mary Beth Valenzona
    May 03, 2015 @ 05:10:09

    I woke up this morning with the mission to write a poem and/or a brief speech for my son University graduation dinner. It would be an honor to share her back up plan. Like Katie, my son inspires me to be the best I can be everyday, it was pretty cool to meet her in person.



  4. Trackback: Celebrating stuff mamas say | Voices of Pearls
  5. katiemattie
    May 04, 2015 @ 07:13:11

    For sure. Hi Mama Bears!! Love to you all!



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